mark hysted

an obsidian update

I discussed in a previous post that I would be trying to stick with obsidian for a whole year. I will admit that there has been some swapping between obsidian and apple notes, but I seem to be finally happy with the way obsidian is working.

This appears to be down to a new theme that I love and sorting out zotero as my read-it-later tool of choice. Paired with going back to hugo obsidian has become my central hub, I can write blog posts and publish them directly from obsidian using hugo mounts .

So what have I changed and what seems to have stayed the course since December 2023?


I am now using the border theme using the card layout. I really like the feel of it, you can utilise things like the style settings plugin to tweak, and the author has produced a number of 'preset' layouts that make it much easier to get a good starting look, I am using the Github light preset as shown in the screenshot above.


Many have stayed from the original setup, a few additions recently - trash explorer when I accidentally deleted a whole folder for example 🤦.


Snippets are little bits of css that can be used to fine tune the obsidian experience, I only use one:

what next?

I'm fairy happy with the setup and I am using obsidian daily. I haven't really investigated the graph or some of the more complex tools like dataview, these might be nice winter projects.

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