mark hysted

a year of obsidian

Perhaps I like messing about with the tools more than actually using them, but I regularly change where I keep my notes - a merry-go-round of Apple Notes, Bear and Obsidian.

I suspect this is a good old fashioned example of procrastination, honing the tools whilst looking for the next even better thing. I've decided to stop and stick with one tool for a whole year(!). The tool of choice will be Obsidian, it seems to do most the things I need and is highly configurable - yes I know I will be tempted to tweak rather than do.


Deciding that keeping changing the note tool is a waste of energy has been strangely uplifting, I have always wanted to pursue a Zettelkasten approach and Martin Adam's ebook Atomic Notes has made it finally click. Obsidian appears to be a popular choice for this, I think it will be better to use something where there is plenty of help in forums etc.

What have I done so far?

So here is what I have managed to do so far with Obsidian:

Not too bad a start, wish me luck. Advice appreciated.

PS - yes I know I've mainly been tweaking, and yes, it is a lot of fun! 😄

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